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Hidden Money (where oh where art thou?)

February 10th, 2005 at 05:37 pm

Driving home from school the other day I had a sort of epiphany. All these articles on saving money and being frugal point towards one obvious goal- eliminate what you don't need and utilize what is necessary until you just can't do it anymore. So when I got home, I ventured into the basement. You know, the BASEMENT.
Hubby and I haven't been married too long and when we moved here in 2000, we set up the basement as our "memory lane". We both had lives before marriage and somehow the items tucked away in the basement have remained timeless- seemingly unaffected by war/overseas deployments, childbirth, holidays and passionate discussions. I've got tons of junk downstairs that are just waiting to be placed on Ebay... so where to begin?

I've taken every single type of class under the sun in hopes of obtaining a degree aside from my associates. While I've loved painting, Jazz History and Contemporary Literature- the textbooks are a mint in itself. They cost an arm and a leg.. the bookstore on campus makes a killing on our severely limited undergraduate budgets... and so I did it! I placed four experimental textbooks and have sold one so far... yipppeeeee
welcome 39.00 + shipping (So it's considerably less than what I paid for the book but hey... better 39 buckeroos than 0.00!)

I must confess, I've read someone's journal on here and I love the idea of setting a no spending goal... so here's mine...

Starting Today:
1/7 days No Spending (even if I have to walk to school, I'll just wear warmer shoes!)

Barb (aka the peculiar chick eyeing the college wastebaskets for recyclable soda cans... every lil' bit helps!)

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