Home > Things I've learned from der FrugelMeisters

Things I've learned from der FrugelMeisters

February 10th, 2005 at 05:57 pm

Outside of home

1. Avoid eating out unless it's a special occasion (Frugal reasoning: a $15.00 dinner plate of steak and baked potato etc ONE time is a waste. At the supermarket, you can buy steaks, a bag of potatoes, 2 ltr bottle of soda, a loaf of bread, veggies AND desert (which can feed a family of FOUR or five) Should you do so (eat out, that is... order a water with lemon, wring it in the water, add sugar and voila.. free lemonade!)

2. Reason your purchase more than once (Frugal Reasoning: chances are you're impulse shopping by the time you finish getting all the items you NEED. Shopping for necessities can be soo boring and suddenly the 3.00 crimson red hairclip reminds you of this fabulous outfit you saw three aisles away... voila! You've fallen into the department store trap! So ask yourself over and over.. is this a good thing.. do i need it? and if your answer is yes more than three times, go for it.

3. Don't accumulate... CAPITULATE! Let's be brutally honest here.. those hot pink pumps in your closet just don't have that appeal when you wear them anymore. Hubby or sgnificant other breathing down your neck to get rid of it? Sell em (and don't tell em! Ebay's got a home for it.. and chances are some trendy chic chick is going to unload them off you. Aside from ebay's fees the money and extra shipping charge falls into your merciful hands.. VOILA! More space for shoes!! NOO!! I mean I have more space in my closet.. sorry DH LOL (besides.. I always like greenbacks in my hand, don't you?)

Ok y'all get my drift... time for me to plug in the crock pot...

(aka le Frugel-petitte extraordinaire)

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