Home > Cheapskate series- any takers?

Cheapskate series- any takers?

February 28th, 2005 at 06:05 pm

First off.. The Definition:
Main Entry: cheap·skate
Pronunciation: 'chEp-"skAt
Function: noun
Date: 1896
: a miserly or stingy person; especially : one who tries to avoid paying a fair share of costs or expenses

Now the Premise:

I'm currently thumbing through "The complete cheapskate" by Mary Hunt. The books seems good... the frugal tidbits sound very helpful. I kinda have a gripe about this series though. Mrs. Hunt knows the "cheapskating" (so who coined this term anyway lol) public aren't quick to part with dough. So why charge a fee to chat in the forums? I perused the website and kept getting snagged with "please sign in". Naturally I clicked register as I figured most talk forums are free... wooohoo was I mistaken.

I was suddenly in a "bookstore" deciding whether I wanted option A B etc etc... dejected, I closed the webpage and went back to browsing the book.

The Conclusion:
I wonder if anyone here is a subscriber ... if so, how does it strike you? Please. let me know as I am inquisitive by nature Smile

3 Responses to “Cheapskate series- any takers?”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    Actually lots of message boards now charge - I am a member of Cheapskate monthly, dave Ramsey's, and my favorite frugal families. It isn't cheap to run the message boards, so that is why they charge.

  2. Anonymous Says:

    Hi! I've been a subscriber for the past two years. I almost didn't resubscribe the second year, but curiosity
    got the better of me -- I wanted to read the newsletter, darn it! LOL Is it worth it? Well, maybe. Although I
    wish I'd found this site before I'd resubscribed, could have saved myself some money. Smile

  3. Anonymous Says:

    Curiosity is building over the cheapskate subscriptions... even hubby is considering paying HALF of the 24 bucks just to get the newsletter! I just might bite... for one year, that is Smile

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