Home > The bloated change jar....

The bloated change jar....

March 11th, 2005 at 03:30 pm

So I stuck to the plan yesterday and re-made the budget. I'd underestimated a few bills in the previous budget and it caused a bit of a disruption Frown

As I finished my planning session, I visited the bloated old water gallon that holds the family change. We'd started the change jar last year (while in spendthrift mode) in hopes of saving enough to go to Disneyworld. A few years back, I'd set up a change jar and when it was full I counted over 2500.00- enough to take my mom on vacation all expenses paid Smile

Hubby spends alot of money on coffee and assorted guilty pleasures.. this has curbed the impulse spending a little... I even let him count the change last year... it's already close to 1000 Smile Only setback to change jars...
1. some banks charge a fee for rolled change
2. the weight of carting it into the bank for depositing
3. no interest while it's in the jar Frown

But hey.. it sure beats paying taxes on money that's already yours Smile

1 Responses to “The bloated change jar....”

  1. Anonymous Says:

    You know, you could always do Coin Star. I know they charge 10% but if the Bank is cheaper then go that direction.


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