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Financial Tune-up

March 4th, 2005 at 02:52 pm

Last night hubby and I looked at different vacation packages and we have decided we're going on a road trip! Road Tripping will squeeze some miles out of the eyesore and save us about 400 bucks in transportation fees alone. Lots of theme parks are allowing steep military discounts for active duty soldiers.. the only thing is finding them! Our local MWR isn't as helpful either Frown

Yesterday I received some disturbing news from a fellow army wife that lives in housing. It seems that her hubby is up for his security clearance and he may not get it. The military is very strict with credit issues and the slightest mishap (while on active duty) can get you in SERIOUS trouble. You cannot file bankruptcy, have a low credit score, mannn don't even think about bouncing a check or else your commander becomes your financial planner for a LONG TIME.

So now she's asking for help and all I can think of is giving her the same general advice I received when hubby was in hot water:

1. One of you must wake up and wrestle with the finances. Waiting for one to say ok ok I'll pay the bills will only make matters worse.. an HOUR late means paying 29.00.. two occasions of 29.00 means 9.9% to 29.99%.. I call it legal loansharking Smile

2. Pay off credit cards before you save money in the bank- money you put away will not be interest until you pay off the interest you're paying SOMEONE ELSE every month.

3. Stretch as much as you can and cut back on leisure until you can balance a tight budget.

Hopefully she'll find this site (I referred her over so she can learn some good strategies for handling finances) I know I have!

My old friend.. the grant :)

March 3rd, 2005 at 06:21 pm

Today the mailman brought me two totally unexpected surprises. First was a pell check since my books were less than anticipated (thats a two hundred fifty buck surprise!! Smile )
The other... well... a letter from an old friend.
An old, old friend. From my single days.
It seems my old friend has returned from whatever folks do to "grow up" and went back to the old neighborhood to find me. The town gossiper passed on my mail address.. and now I sit here with his letter in my hand.

Should I open or shred?
Should the poet in me unleash the scribbers fury on pad to commemorate a contact that has been so overdue?

I opened.... and well... Blush
I prefer the letter to the grant Smile

Fun Facts: The Penny :)

March 2nd, 2005 at 06:26 pm

Last night while in study hall I happened to look down and found two pennies. Without thinking twice, i scooped them up and put it right in my hello kitty coinpurse... thinking to myself "only 98 more to go!" Smile

Pennies are still money.. one penny can make a billionaire or break a bank... hey, you never know!'s the 411 for research buffs like me...


The U.S. one-cent coin is 19 millimeters in diameter and weighs 2.5 grams.
The composition of the penny is 97.5% zinc and 2.5 % copper.
There have been 11 different designs featured on the penny.
The U.S. Mint produces over 13 billion pennies annually.
There are over 130 billion one-cent coins currently in circulation.
Since its beginning, the U.S. Mint has produced over 288.7 billion pennies. Lined up edge to edge, these pennies would circle the earth 137 times.
The average penny lasts 25 years.
The most "expensive" penny is a rare one minted in 1793. Only four are known to exist today and their worth is estimated at more than $275,000.
An average of 1,040 pennies are produced every second, adding up to 30 million a day.
During its early penny-making years, the U.S. Mint was so short on copper that it accepted copper utensils, nails and scrap from the public to melt down for the coins.
The Lincoln penny was the first U.S. coin to feature a historic figure. President Abraham Lincoln has been on the penny since 1909, the 100th anniversary of his birth.
The Lincoln penny was the first cent on which appeared the words "In God We Trust."
Over two-thirds of all coins produced by the U.S. Mint are pennies.

Habit transferrence- from Smoking to Reading?

March 2nd, 2005 at 05:51 pm

I remember a few years ago (bc- Before children) , I used to plop my happy tail on the sofa and read for hours and hours... The electicity bill was lower and my vocabulary was alot richer. Now? I'm lucky if I can get a few pages in at the end of the day while trying to get myself into a state of relaxation.
After I've passed on cigarettes, I've been looking for more ways to hold on to cash and well... judging from January's electric bill the next logical step is to curb some unneccessary utility bill spending. While I confess to not being too enamored of having a stranger care for her, I do feel having her in daycare will curb several bills at home (no more having to turn on TV, heat, etc.) as well as extend her interpersonal contacts Smile But ohhh.. how to let go?

I've picked up several books that cope with this similar issue as well as personal finance literature at the trusty ole' library. While I've yet to read Churchill's Vinegar Tom for my Lit Class- I can' pretty much summarize all pre-requisites for picking the right mutual fund and just how valuable a Roth IRA can be to a sinking portfolio lol. Don'tcha just love priorities!

Can't Find money anywhere? Try an Enveloping Technique

March 1st, 2005 at 04:25 pm

Can't find an extra twenty bucks anywhere? Paycheck too tight and bills got you in a bind? Join the club! LOL
Actually, I was chatting to a fellow boarder about "freed up cash" and while she prefers to invest her money in mutual funds, I like the feeling of cold, hard cash in my hand, know what I mean?

As per her request, here is my enveloping system. i'm sure there are a plethora of enveloping schemes out there but hey.. this one works for me Smile Hopefully it helps inspire others to quit habits or adopt a good one Smile
Envelope #1:Nails: January 3, 2005: My wrapped nails were wayy too long to function. I was too lazy to go take out money (the salon I frequent has to be one of the last places on earth that does NOT accept credit/debit cards. I cracked open a manicure kit my mom got for christmas and went to work on my talons. Granted my nails are no longer the ornate spectacles they once were... they serve their purpose now.
Nails & brows $25.00 (wrapping+ design+ generous tip ) X 3 visits a month.
EOM Saving: $75.00 (I still do my eyebrows though lol so it's actually $60.00)

Envelope #2 :Habit bye-bye! January 22,2005. I saw an anti-smoking ad that hit home. Really. I crushed my cigarettes and haven't picked one up since. The last price I paid for a pack of cigarettes was $7.29. I've condensed the price to $7.00 for accounting purposes
Cigarettes: $7.00 (I smoked a pack every other day)
EOM Saving: $112.00 (YIKES!)

Envelope #3: February 1 2005: Coupons: Hubby buys the paper now I simply clip the coupons and take them with me when I food shop. I take out the amount of the coupon (face value) at home and also the in store coupons at the commissary. Started February 1.
Shopping: 2X a month.
EOM Saving: $18.00

Envelope #4: Recycling Cans: Ha! To most it's an odd thing to do. Would you turn down $5.00 if you found it laying on the floor? That's what I found laying in my recycling bin in January. Hubby had friends over a few times so I separated the cans and have yet to redeem the cans for February. I wonder if anyone recycles the cans at my college? lol
EOM: ??? (i'll update when I change the cans)

Envelope #5: Changed Mind Account: Hubby wanted to see Ray and Constatine. I turned it down last min. Instead of going to go see them ($9.50 a ticket is not my idea of fun anyway) Hubby gave me the money. The second portion of this envelope covered gambling "Play money". Usually we spend ALOT in AC since we're both wannabe pro players- well not anymore. I tucked away my portion of play money BEFORE we got there. Good thing I did.. lady luck sat at someone else's table.
EOM Saving: $338.00

I could go on further but I wouldn't want to bore... these envelopes are all money that I won't hesitate to part with in the course of ONE MONTH. Rhetorical Question for ya: Do YOU have lil habits you can stand to part with ? IF so.. start your own envelope Smile

Credit Card Clinginess

March 1st, 2005 at 03:52 pm

After watching the online version of PBS "The secret history of the Credit Card", I was a little curious as to how much certain cards charge after the initial "honeymoon period" (you know.. the 0% Apr until blah blah 2005). Sickening.

A certain bank in AMERICA (change the preposition from in to OF)
The pretty lil 0% until November offer jumps to 10.99% and if we make just 2 late payments at any point.. it jumps to 28.99%!
Sounds like the loan sharks found a way to legitimize loan sharking!!!

Man am I glad we've joined the deadbeat ranks. And to think.. last year I spent 10 months paying for a lousy fetuccine alfredo plate at Applebees (they forgot to take out the tomatoes) and clothes that no longer fit my kids . Ughhh.

February Re-caps

March 1st, 2005 at 12:52 pm

Budget re-cap: February 2005

Bank totals: $1292.00
Goal: $8000.00

Projected carryover: 800.00
Actual: 226.00

Difference -574.00 (It's ok.. I knew it would happen lol)

Envelope Total month of February: $522.60!!!(HOLY MOLY)!!!!

(FYI The Envelope system is money that would have been spent REGARDLESS if it was in the budget or not. These are (or once were) my smoking habits, money saved in coupons, recycling soda cans, trips to movies, etc)

Now i'm beginning to see why I was always broke.

Cheapskate series- any takers?

February 28th, 2005 at 06:05 pm

First off.. The Definition:
Main Entry: cheap·skate
Pronunciation: 'chEp-"skAt
Function: noun
Date: 1896
: a miserly or stingy person; especially : one who tries to avoid paying a fair share of costs or expenses

Now the Premise:

I'm currently thumbing through "The complete cheapskate" by Mary Hunt. The books seems good... the frugal tidbits sound very helpful. I kinda have a gripe about this series though. Mrs. Hunt knows the "cheapskating" (so who coined this term anyway lol) public aren't quick to part with dough. So why charge a fee to chat in the forums? I perused the website and kept getting snagged with "please sign in". Naturally I clicked register as I figured most talk forums are free... wooohoo was I mistaken.

I was suddenly in a "bookstore" deciding whether I wanted option A B etc etc... dejected, I closed the webpage and went back to browsing the book.

The Conclusion:
I wonder if anyone here is a subscriber ... if so, how does it strike you? Please. let me know as I am inquisitive by nature Smile

Storm a-comin'!

February 28th, 2005 at 05:55 pm

Funny how when a weatherman forecasts a smidgeon of snow people go haywire out here. People are cancelling classes, postponing events, fearing the worst lol.

This weekend I spent a bit of cash on mostly necessary things (year riight).
I bought a copy of Microsoft Money 2005 (and downloaded the 20 buck rebate form from amazon whoopee!) so I can have all my finances in order. After playing with the program for a while, I realized I can pay my mortgage off in half the time. Hubby and I are mapping out long term & short term goals that seem doable on one salary.. there's only one problem..... What if we have to move? Military life is hard due to the constant moving Frown
I have balanced my checkbook info and the budget is pretty much set for March. Now to get some money in lol.

Stainless Steel all grimy? Try Rubbing Alcohol :)

February 27th, 2005 at 04:57 pm

Here's yet another nice tidbit that I've learned and I am willing to pass to y'all Smile


Ive been meaning to tell you guys for those of you who have stainless steel appliances I found the cheapest best thing to clean them after trying 8000 other things and having wiping them down 500 times a day .
Rubbing alcohol ! We were at a friends of Herbs house and she has stainless steel and I was telling her how I hate it with a passion and in the new house forget it I am not getting stainless steel etc etc and she told me about the rubbing alcohol I have been using it ever since , Just put it in an empty spray bottle and wipe no streaks or anything . For those of you with the NEW stainless steel that SUPPOSEDLY Doesn't leave fingerprints/streaks etc I dont know how it works on there try it in a spot that's not noticeable and see how it works .

Just thought Id let you know for 3 years Ive been trying to find something besides my windex (w/vinegar) to wipe it down (which still leaves streaks) the alcohol is great

MYO Salt Rub

February 27th, 2005 at 03:14 pm

I used to buy a ton of cleansing scrubs until I ran across this post on a savings board... Figured i'd pass this tip to all my frugal friends on here...

A friend got one of those expensive spa "salt glow" treatments and raved about it, so I checked out a sample of Salt Rub from Origins thinking doing this at home would be a cheaper route. Wrong! $28 per jar. But that wasn`t going to deter me. I took note of the simple ingredients and I made my own salt rub. Use Epson salts for the bulk, then slowly mix in either almond (better) or baby (cheaper) oil until the mixture is like wet snow. Optional: Aroma therapy oil adds a nice scent. Swirl on body in a hot shower and viola! Gorgeous skin! Hint: If you don`t like the oil left on your skin, simply soap up afterwards - - you`ll still be silky.

Good stuff lemme tell ya!

Cellphone plans

February 27th, 2005 at 01:25 pm

If there is anything in the world more annoying than a chipmunk-voiced telemarketer barking offers during dinner time, it would definitely constitute walking innocently into a " blah blah wireless" store and being approached by a cellphone Shopping Mall Snake.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I remember a time when people DIDN'T need to be called IMMEDIATELY- wherever I was- on the spot- even if I was in a line where 100 people stood patiently in front of me. Those folks don't want to hear about how my professor looks cute in a navy blue cardigan or how Bo and Hope shouldn't make any more excuses and just cut to the chase!

It wasn't that long ago. I remember whipping out crossword puzzle books happily.. or even carrying yarn and a crochet needle. Nothing better than crochetting to make people stare in amazement lol.

BUT... Mom wanted a cellphone.
AND... Mom wanted to buy one as soon as possible.

Defeated, I walk into the newly formed CINGULAR Wireless- ripe with old confused AT&T customers like myself. The slithering snake smelled interest and stealthily slid towards us (Say it aloud a few times... doesn't it tickle your alveolar ridge? ahhh the joys of alliteration heheh).

Mr. Culebra (snake in spanish) informed me that I had to buy a new phone for myself and I had to switch over to Cingular. To make a long story short, he wanted me to pay triple what I pay now for some impossible number of minutes and a phone with crappy ten second video capacity. (Again.. I remember a time when I DIDN'T find it necessary to carry video capability on my phone... I like my digital camera but come on now!).

I convinced mom NOT to get into it (minimum 2 year contract required) and since my current contract expires in July, I am going to drop the phone in order to adapt to simpler, more frugal methods of communication (Smoke signals, Yelling, and quite simply "I'll call when I get home darnit!!").

Early Sunday morning battle tactics

February 27th, 2005 at 01:08 pm

Last night my neighbor called to inform us of a super sale at a nearby clothing store (her daughter is a manager). Usually my neighbor qualifies as a "spendthrift" but due to downsizing she's lost almost all of her income and her purchases are beyond frugal lately. So I asked "How much are we talkin, baba?" (My toddler can't pronounce her full name so she's conveniently cut it down syllabically lol)
"Shirts are down to $3.50 from $40.00 original!!"
Well.. say no more, I figured to myself... I called a friend of mine and we will scour the perimeter at precisely 1100 hours sharp!

Question is... just how much should I take with me? I usually spend 80% of the clothing budget on my daughters so when it comes to me ... lol well, you know how it is.
I've been verrry good. My savings goals are on track. My envelopes are fat and overflowing but I've no desire to pluck from them (Yet).

By the way, I got my hands on Mary Hunt's "The Complete Cheapskate"... the book is awesome! I'm going to use some of her principles on my current budget to test its effectiveness.

But back to my war tactics... Hubby has OK'd the spending limit to 200.00- money that will be deducted from my annual clothing budget. I figure it'd take cash with me so I am not tempted to overspend.


February 26th, 2005 at 03:28 pm

This is interesting. Thought I'd pass it on to my fellow advicers through my journals... After reading this, you'll never look at
a banana in the same way again. Not sure if all the info is accurate.. but it makes for good dinner conversation?



Bananas containing three natural sugars: sucrose, fructose!
and glucose combined with fiber, a banana gives an instant, sustained
and substantial boost of energy. Research has proven that just
two bananas provide enough energy for a strenuous 90-minute
workout. No wonder the banana is the number one fruit with the
world's leading athletes.
But energy isn't the only way a banana can help us keep fit. It
can also help overcome or prevent a substantial number of illnesses
and conditions, making it a must to add to our daily diet.

Depression: According to a recent survey undertaken by MIND amongst
people suffering from depression, many felt much better after eating
a banana. This is because bananas contain tryptophan, a type of
protein that the body converts into serotonin, known to make you
improve your mood and generally make you feel happier.

PMS: Forget the pills, eat a banana. The vitamin B6 it
contains regulates blood glucose levels, which can affect your
Anemia: High in iron, bananas can stimulate the production
of hemoglobin in the blood and so helps in cases of anemia.

Blood Pressure: This unique tropical fruit is extremely high
in potassium yet low in salt, making it the perfect to beat
blood pressure. So much so, the US Food and Drug Administration has
just allowed the banana industry to make official claims for the
fruit's ability to reduce the risk of blood pressure and stroke.

Brain Power: 200 students at a Twickenham (Middlesex) school
were helped through their exams this year by eating bananas at
breakfast, break, and lunch in a bid to boost their brain power.
Research has shown that the potassium-packed fruit can assist learning
by making
pupils more alert.
Constipation: High in fiber, including bananas in the diet can
help restore normal bowel action, helping to overcome the
problem without resorting to laxatives.

Hangovers: One of the quickest ways of curing a hangover is to
make a banana milkshake, sweetened with honey. The banana calms
the stomach and, with the help of the honey, builds up depleted
blood sugar levels, while the milk soothes and re-hydrates your
Heartburn: Bananas have a natural antacid effect in the body, so if
you suffer from heartburn, try eating a banana for soothing relief.
Morning Sickness: Snacking on bananas between meals helps to
keep blood sugar levels up and avoid morning sickness.

Mosquito bites: Before reaching for the insect bite cream,
try rubbing the affected area with the inside of a banana skin.
Many people find it amazingly successful at reducing swelling and
Nerves: Bananas are high in B vitamins that help calm the
nervous system.

Overweight and at work: Studies at the Institute of Psychology
in Austria found pressure at work leads to gorging on comfort food
like chocolate and crisps. Looking at 5,000 hospital patients,
researchers found the most obese were more likely to be in
high-pressure jobs. The report concluded that, to avoid
panic-induced food cravings, we need to control our blood sugar levels
by snacking on high carbohydrate foods every two hours to keep levels

Ulcers: The banana is used as the dietary food against
intestinal disorders because of its soft texture and smoothness. It
is the only raw fruit that can be eaten without distress in
over-chronicler cases. It also neutralizes over-acidity and reduces
irritation by coating the lining of the stomach.

Temperature control: Many other cultures see bananas as a
"cooling" fruit that can lower both the physical and emotional
temperature of expectant mothers. In Thailand, for example,
pregnant women eat bananas to ensure their baby is born with a cool

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD): Bananas can help SAD
sufferers because they contain the natural mood enhancer tryptophan.

Smoking: Bananas can also help people trying to give up
smoking. The B6,B12 they contain, as well as the potassium and
magnesium found in them, help the body recover from the effects of
nicotine withdrawal.
Stress: Potassium is a vital mineral, which helps normalize
the heartbeat, sends oxygen to the brain and regulates your body's
water balance. When we are stressed, our metabolic rate rises,
thereby reducing our potassium levels. These can be rebalanced with
the help of a high-potassium banana snack.
Strokes: According to research in "The New England Journal
of Medicine,"eating bananas as part of a regular diet can cut the
risk of death by strokes by as much as 40%!"
Warts: Those keen on natural alternatives swear that if you want
to kill off a wart, take a piece of banana skin and place it on
the wart, with the yellow side out. Carefully hold the skin in
place with a plaster or surgical tape!
So, a banana really is a natural remedy for many ills. When
you compare it to an apple, it has four times the protein, twice
the carbohydrate, three times the phosphorus, five times the vitamin
A and iron, and twice the other vitamins and minerals. It is also
rich in potassium and is one of the best value foods around. So
maybe its time to change that well-known phrase so that we say, "A
banana a day keeps the doctor away!"

Frugal Saturday?

February 26th, 2005 at 03:25 pm

Yet another day indoors for me. I've got alot of articles I need to read for class so hopefully I won't move any charge cards whlie at home (who'd have thought there would come a time when a compulsive shopper could face temptation at home through the internet?!)

Last night I followed a series of links over to this website that deals with the book "rich dad, poor dad". I remain skeptical at any book that promises lucrative ventures if you follow the directions. Dave Ramsey only echoes the sentiments i've seen here on this website... only difference being this advice forum is free.

While I have only a few things to do today (cook dinner, make beds etc), I'll take inventory on the envelopes (which I have followed through faithfully) and post the end of month tally.

Physically, I'm feeling a little better now that I have passed on smoking. I know it'll be a while before I am back to decent condition so these extra pounds that are creeping up on me don't bother much!

ING Rate Hike | Child Support Woes

February 25th, 2005 at 04:52 pm

I got so happy today when I looked at the ING website.. they raised the interest to 2.60%- the exact same rate i'm getting from capitalone right now lol. I have more money in ING though... so i'll just stick to what I know and periodically dump loot into savings #2.

A couple of years back, my ex tried to take my first born through a custody dispute. Now his method of payback is lagging behind on support payments in a subtle enough manner to go undetected in the court radar (2 missed checks in a row turns on wage garnishment). I don't want to re-open the case because then my high priced pit bull lawyer will charge me the astronomical fees that I once COULD afford lol.

To do list:

February 25th, 2005 at 12:53 pm

The mommy list 2/25

1. Scrub top floor rooms & bathroom (kids love fingerpainting ugh)
2. Return library books & get new ones Smile
3. Start weekend loads
4. Prepare garage items for salvation army dropoff (tomorrow)
5. Commence the friday meal preparations (need to complete by 1600 as DH goes to school until 2200 tonight)

I won't be out much as I have alot of things to catch up on but I've prepped my wallet in case I do.. (took out debit & credit cards, inserted a 10 dollar bill lol)

and off I go!

Curbing the impulse

February 25th, 2005 at 12:41 pm

Last night I had one delicious dream... I was in some cloudy cafe in Paris...enjoying the art of 'chatting'... cigarette tucked in one corner of my mouth- coffee cup in hand. What language was I speaking? It didn't matter!
The dream made me fiend for cigarettes even more. Ughhhh!
I've had cravings but each time I reason with myself, the urge seems to subside. This bout of cessation was brought on by the Pamila Laffin story.

Funny how one story can change your perspective!
Here in New York we pay the piper for a pack of cigarettes ($7.00) and the sad part is.. you will find younger kids paying their older siblings to get some.
Quel Dommage.

Snow.. ughh

February 24th, 2005 at 11:01 pm

So the weatherman finally got one forecast right... it's snowing woohoo. My evening class was cancelled so now I get extra time to do some chores before bedtime (oh woe is me). I made Ziti before I left for school today (meatless & used $0.59 diced tomatoes instead of the $1.79 canned spaghetti sauce) so the family is chomping down on that as I type. Hubby and I have made an appointment to see a financial rep at our bank so hopefully we'll join the thousands of Americans who plan for their futures for a change Smile

I did manage to clean the rest of my house and fiddle a bit with finances to plan a day out this weekend (kids et al.) . We're looking at a museum trip complete w/ mommy 'witches (thats what my 7 year old used to call my sandwiches when she was in preschool heheh) and boxed Hi-Cs.

And by the way... today was a no-spend day!!! YIPPPEEEE!!!

One Month of Passing on cigarettes- still here :)

February 24th, 2005 at 12:20 pm

I woke up happy with my financial progression thus far. It has been one month and two days since I've put down the cigarette in exchange for healthier living. While I still feel a little buzzing going on here and there, I spend alot of time looking for new ways to occupy myself in hopes of making frugal living a PERMANENT lifestyle.

Change#1: After reading several journals, I caved in a visited my local library. What a treasure trove! Geez... it makes me sick to think of all the money I could have saved by borrowing instead of buying.

Change#2: Re-defining Keywords in my life is certainly helping curb the desire for unnecessary habits. A friend of mine who "quit" smoking in November is now back in the habit because her mom is in the hospital. Sure news like that is distressing but the whole idea is not to be a chronic hospit- ahhh bleah.. I won't get into the anti-smoking rhetoric lol.. I know, I know the worst non- smoker is the ex-smoker lol. Another word I've filed under my list for obsolete words is "shopping". In the past, shopping was my excuse to bring home piles of junk that in turn accumulated into basement fodder. MORAL: Do not SHOP... step out for necessities instead Smile

Change#3: Keeping up with financial information can really affirm a situation and prevent wanton destruction (ex: overspending on the credit cards, auction rummaging). I devote some time to finding little ways to save more everyday and keep my budget handy so I can gauge the progress in a pretty little notebook I call "the Finance TOME". My kids know not to touch it and hubby is impressed at my book-keeping neatness Smile

What CHANGES are you making towards your future? Please post them and perhaps we can all learn more from each other Smile

Wednesday's roster

February 23rd, 2005 at 12:14 pm

I wish I could sprout some extra arms and legs to complete my tasks!!

*Head over to the city to pick up something for hubby.
*Steam clean the bathrooms, straighten up the first floor
*Bedroom Linen Load (I confess, i'm wayy behind on this task lol)
*Take DD to the library (weds are girl days)
*Make a two-day ziti (Ziti that feeds all of us for two days lol)

Wish me luck!
Oh and I'm borrowing someone's metrocard so I don't have to pay for parking or public transportation out of pocket. Aside from the gas I'll use to go to school (I'M LATE!) and library, it should be a minimal spend day.. (KEYWORD: SHOULD)


One Question Tells How Greedy you are!

February 23rd, 2005 at 01:18 am

A good friend sent me this and I thought I'd share....

************************************************ One Question Tells How Greedy You Are!

We are a greedy nation. When faced with that classic question--"Which would you rather have: More pleasure or more money?"--we choose the money hands down. Fully two-thirds of those polled picked treasure over pleasure, according to a poll of 1,001 adults conducted by Blum & Weprin Associates for The Rich Dad Company, an organization that teaches personal finance and business.

Why do we need so much cash? The answers are revealed in other areas of this fascinating poll:
--40 percent admitted they would run out of cash if they were unemployed for three months.
--66 percent say they do not have enough cash to cover a year of unemployment.

The rich really are different:
--Rich people think about their money more, but worry about it less.
--55 percent of those making more than $150,000 spend a lot of time planning for their financial futures, but only 14 percent of the wealthy spend time worrying about their finances.
--45 percent of those making less than $50,000 spend time worrying about their money, but only 25 percent of them spend much time managing it or planning for retirement.

What's the best way to secure a bright financial future? The answer may surprise you. It's not a safe, secure job. Instead, the key is to get a financial education, learn the difference between an asset and a liability, and rather than work for money, learn how to get your money to work for you, says Robert Kiyosaki, co-founder of The Rich Dad Company and best-selling author of the "Rich Dad Poor Dad" series of personal financial books. "People are just eat, drink, and be merry and pretend we don't have a problem in the future," Kiyosaki said. "Americans need to wake up! Safe, secure jobs are about as common as Indian-head nickels and carry the largest tax liability."

Spending Sprees

February 23rd, 2005 at 12:21 am

Ughhh.. just when ya think ya have it all mapped out Frown
I'd planned on not spending but I forked over 250 bucks on a bill I totally forgot about (honestly). I've been paying it in cash quarterly and lol I was already a week behind Frown

Morale: Make sure you carry your organizers with you and the information should always be accurate or else! Grrrr!

It's a little late here but I have to cook or risk hubby ordering takeout!

Froid Tuesday

February 22nd, 2005 at 04:11 pm

It was pretty cold out there this morning! Luckily the snow didn't accumulate as much.. so the city wasn't "crippled".
I haven't spent a dime yet but I did shell out alot of bucks yesterday. Today I have but a few tasks:

1. Go pick up ONE book at the library
2. Place one item for sale on Ebay

Hopefully I'll have enough strength to cook, clean, and take care of the babies in between Smile

Bottled can deposits- a negative thing?

February 21st, 2005 at 01:45 pm

While out with friends, we discussed the recycling can dilemma and how futile it can be when trying to recover a meaningful amount. Every end of month, hubby and I return our cans and get about five bucks a month (hubby loves soda) from recycling. The neighborhood recycle facilitator (aka the person who goes in your trash and creates an awful mess trying to find cans) doesn't bother to look in our bins anymore lol. My gripe is this.... since the beginning of the deposit craze (mid 80's), the price has stayed at five cents for redemption.. why not increase the redemption to stimulate the economy? I know it'll never happen.. but hey- one can dream, no?

Eeeek.. Snow!

February 21st, 2005 at 01:34 pm

Ahhh the joys of winter!
Just when you thought the snow bouts were over... we were blessed with some last night (ugh). Yesterday was nice... we spent a little too much but at least we kept it under $130 (the maximum I set for spending). I just finished reading the article of loose change costing money and I couldn't agree more! Last month I counted two hundred bucks in change and felt elated at the prospect of using the change to pay groceries. Before I set out for shopping that day, I visited the coinstar website to see just how much they'd charge in fees. I sobered up real quick (nine cents per dollar). It doesn't sound like much but when you do the math that's almost 20.00 from my 200.00!! Wayy too much loot to part with when you consider how it got into my pocket in the first place. I proceeded to roll up change and deposit five rolls during various trips to the bank (they charge .50 per roll after the first five rolls). I do think it is ridiculous that banks are now charging fees for accepting out pre-counted/rolled change. We work hard to pay our bills and would like some money back but I also recognize they have salaries to pay... ughhhhh

Pre-Christmas Shopping bargains!

February 20th, 2005 at 02:36 am

Today was an exciting day here on the homefront. We did our grocery shopping and I managed to hold on to $80.00!! Yippee!!

As an added bonus- hubby took me to a store that is currently under liquidation. I was a bit skeptical upon first glance since the store looked as though a hurricane passed right through it.. but the frugal chick in me took over and accepted the challenge! Hubby and I usually spend ALOT of money during Christmas on the kids & family.. not to mention we often wind up giving presents to many soldiers in the unit. Well.. last year we gave the soldiers mini stockings that I filled with candy.. I think the going price was $0.89 each (booo).
::wicked grin:: So I wandered up and down the aisles and happened upon a shelf filled with the cutest little christmas tins! I picked one up and examined it further. The sticker price of the tin said $1.99. I was about to put it back when I looked up and saw two price reduction labels above the tins.. one for 40% and the other read 75%. This piqued my curiosity so I asked one of the cashiers to double check the price... wellll Smile turns out the price was 0.99 and it was 75% off!!
Needless to say, I walked out of there with 45 tins and 10 packs of giftwrap paper for a whopping $13.75 Smile

So.. recap... 80 bucks left over for the monthly food budget and 45 christmas gifts & tissue paper for 13.75 hehehe
What can I say... today was a good day Smile

Curious question.... Hydrogen peroxide?

February 19th, 2005 at 02:55 pm

Why does Hydrogen peroxide foam up when you put it on a cut?

Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is something you can buy at the drug store. What you are buying is a 3-percent solution, meaning the bottle contains 97-percent water and 3-percent hydrogen peroxide. Most people use it as an antiseptic. It turns out that it is not very good as an antiseptic, but it is not bad for washing cuts and scrapes and the foaming looks cool.

The reason why it foams is because blood and cells contain an enzyme called catalase. Since a cut or scrape contains both blood and damaged cells, there is lots of catalase floating around.

When the catalase comes in contact with hydrogen peroxide, it turns the hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) into water (H2O) and oxygen gas (O2).

H2O2 --> H2O + O2
Catalase does this extremely efficiently -- up to 200,000 reactions per second. The bubbles you see in the foam are pure oxygen bubbles being created by the catalase. Try putting a little hydrogen peroxide on a cut potato and it will do the same thing for the same reason -- catalase in the damaged potato cells reacts with the hydrogen peroxide.

Hydrogen peroxide does not foam in the bottle or on your skin because there is no catalase to help the reaction to occur. Hydrogen peroxide is stable at room temperature.

Before I started steam cleaning, I used to apply hydrogen peroxide to various cleaning surfaces and I'd get a kick out of the foaming effect when it came in contact with moldy spots.

Other uses for Hydrogen peroxide?

Apply a drop or two to your toothbrush and brush your teeth prior to applying toothpaste. Goodbye expensive white strips!

Brush your tongue.. it kills the bacteria that live on your tongue.. (the ones that cause yucky breath)

Shopping Day!

February 19th, 2005 at 02:48 pm

Ahh today is grocery shopping day in my house. I'm armed with coupons and a list as long as my arm. Hopefully I'll stay within budget because I've got a whole week and a half of meals to make! Hubby is taking me to another base to go food shopping this month- I love military bases.. so much history!
A friend of mine is looking to open a consignment shop in this area of the island- I just may be her #1 contributor lol. The recent housing booms in New York will definitely put a damper on her initial opening costs... it's all about location around here.

I'm just about done doing the laundry & chores for today.. hopefully my day won't be too eventful as I need all my strength tomorrow. My friends and I are planning to visit a museum and check out "the gates" in Central Park. I'm trying to gauge the importance of bright orange flags (bright orange makes me think of ING- good marketing technique!!) aside from the fact that it's bloomberg's way of creating temporary jobs to boost his credibility ratings. Bleah.. I can't knock the man.. he's a republican Wink

Reality Bites (for real)

February 19th, 2005 at 01:41 am

Ripped straight out of

Determine what you are spending now

This is a hard part for a lot of people, being honest with themselves as to where the money goes—it may be tough to admit to yourself that you are spending $100 a month on cigarettes, $50 a month on manicures, $75 a month at the hairdressers, or $200 at the golf course. In fact, most people are quite surprised when they actually start tracking where they spend their money.

Sounds like they're addressing me and my family LOL-except I spent more on cigarettes ($112) and manicures ($60)!! My hair's grown too long and each time I go it's at least $30 for the wash & cut.. golfing? uhm.. i'll pass. The closest I come to golfing is using my foot as a golf putter & launch my kids' toys across the room.

I'm resisting the urge to go to the movies tonight.
Getting back to the serious stuff... I made a startling discovery (been havin alot of those lately!).

**If tweaked carefully, I can retain 30% of our monthly income after all bills, amenities, necessities and savings accounts have weaved their way through the paycheck (THAT TAKES SKILL!!!)**

Let's see what else I can manage while stuggling with boredom and two incredibly hyperactive girls on a friday night without hubby lol

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