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Tweakin the cable guy yaaaaah!!!

February 16th, 2005 at 06:07 pm

Woke up to a mediocre day filled with mild activity and lots of kid screams (The seven year old is still home sick and the two year old cries whenever she feels like it.) I'm starting to feel much like Roderick from fall of the house of usher (excerpt provided for lit buffs like me)

:There is a peal of THUNDER outside, and Roderick covers
his ears as if pained, Tim watching with a frown.

Is something wrong with your ears?

(beat; agitated)
Hypersensitivity. Any loud noise -
lightning, a shout, the sound of a
slamming door - seems like a pistol
shot, close by the ear.

Tim, moving a chess piece, is listening with concern to

I have a heightened sense of sound,
of smell, of colors.

There is more loud THUNDER, Roderick wincing. He sighs
in frustration, giving up on the game:

I am sorry, I cannot concentrate.

Soooooo.... I managed to tweak my cable service today. I threatened to switch to the dish and got 37 bucks knocked off my cable as part of a "promotional" offer. This 37 bucks will join the 30 bucks salvaged from my phone bill in the lovely envelope I created yesterday (67.00*11= 737.00 saved in a year for complaining to them heheh).

Moral of the story? If you're nauseous, complain to everyone you owe, you may get to save some money just in case you have a wee one on the way lol. ------

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If you ask nicely.. (I arm wrestled a bill and won!.. well, sorta)

February 16th, 2005 at 12:05 am

I built up enough courage to flip on the phone company today and have managed to strike a deal where they will reduce my phone bill by 15 bucks. Fifteen bucks is fifteen bucks... thats 180.00 extra a year.. yippeeeee!! So of course, these extra bucks are going into one of those infamous Barb envelopes... this one will say "Bill Haggling Kickbacks" Smile Smile Smile

So now it's a total of 6 envelopes!!!!!!!!!!!! YAYYYYYYY!!!

So now i'm looking at what else I can cut off at the pass.... I've eliminated one major 1600.00 bill today.. now i've got two more to go... ------

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Morning Haze

February 15th, 2005 at 03:15 pm

What a wonderful morning! (NOT)

My seven year old got up at 3am complaining of a persistent earache. I'm feeling curiously nauseous again.. just like yesterday and the day before (uh oh). It's been three weeks & three days since i've had a cigarette and I think this may be one of the many symptoms of detoxification (::gulp:: i hope!)
It's going to be one of those days, I know it!


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February 14th, 2005 at 09:27 pm

Funny how much spending can alter your budget Frown
Our minivan demanded a visit to the maintenance man... (They're bracing us for a 300.00 charge so far). The plumber charged us 231.00 to fix both toilets (TO ALL WHO READ THIS.. DO NOT EVER BUY TOILET BOWL TABLETS/ BLUE WATER STUFF ETC. THEY RUIN YOUR TOILETS!!) and shopping for necessities came out to 35.00. It's so dreary out here right now.. rain rain rain in New York today... at least I can get away with cooking as opposed to going out tonight. Hopefully everyone else's love day isn't as dreary! ------

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Happy Valentine's Day!

February 14th, 2005 at 02:33 pm

Ahhh the day of love has arrived!

Hubby took the day off to relax and relish the joy of love and family and all that syrupy sweet stuff- with only one lingering issue...

My toilets are messed up!! GRRRRR!!!
I saw a huge spike in my water bill last quarter and was wondering how it happened. It seems as though they're running constantly while we're all out and about. Hubby's no handy-man so we're going to get hit in the pocket for sure Frown

I have sold more stuff on Ebay though.. yayyy! I've been reading all kinds of financial links from members of this website and I feel so much more confident in my savings skills- thank you all soo much for the inspirations!


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Cash-back cards? Any Good?

February 14th, 2005 at 01:44 am

Hubby just informed me that while I was out doing my pre-valentine's day shopping, he opened up a new credit line and we are to get 2% of anything we charge and 5% on all gas purchases... but if we carry a balance, we may as well say goodbye to the few pennies I scrounge together because the finance charges are UUgggLLeee. So, it's good for those who pay in full... I guess I am a bit excited since I can now charge all the monthly groceries, gas, etc. and pay in full at the end of the month.
While I guess this is more of an aesthetic question since this is a journal but there are folks who read these goes:
Have any of you had experiences with Cashback credit cards? If so, which one is better ideally? I've no experience with cashback cards and would love to hear your comments/ideas. ------

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Barb and the art of Budget Contortionism

February 14th, 2005 at 01:24 am

If ever I was to consider myself frugal at any given time, it would certainly be today.
I went to a very nice mall today and spent a grand total of $60.00. My shopping partners thought something was wrong with me since I'm usually the big spender.. boy it felt great to not buy things at a moments' whim!
I did wind up giving money to my nieces for belated birthdays (some Tia I am lol).

For those who are wondering what i'm fussing about.. here's an abridged version of "moi"-

Since the middle of January, I've decided to change some negative behaviors and so far...... ITS WORKING!! I've been smoke free for 22 days. I've realized that in addition to smoking, I've had a whole slew of bad (unnecessary) spending habits that were seeping away at our otherwise "limited" income. So I've devised a system where I put cash I'd usually spend on these habits into monthly envelopes which I then accumulate. How long will this go on? I have no idea.
But for now I feel i'm on the right path.. last month I had 4 envelopes...let's see how many envelopes will make its way to my cash box Smile

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Tax Returns... Easy Come/ Easy Gooo

February 11th, 2005 at 06:18 pm

DH and I got a huge tax return this year. It was a lovely surprise to see the money in our account this morning.. that is before I paid off two ugly credit cards that were taking 22% finance charge(Mental Note: Never fall for Store cards again!) every month. Hubby's calling me Penny (since I'm getting into the habit of penny-pinching) but I don't mind-really. I've managed to save money in ways I hadn't considered before- and it feels GRREAT!

Unfortunately hubby's itching to go out tonight and I don't have the heart to tell him I'm not up to it. Usually when we hit the town, we spend hundreds without thinking of budgets. Ugh dilemma!!

Well I'm off to do the motherly-duty Smile

2/7 No spending Days (Though I'm almost certain tonight I'll spend at least one dollar knowing my previous badddd shopping habits!) ------

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Things I've learned from der FrugelMeisters

February 10th, 2005 at 05:57 pm

Outside of home

1. Avoid eating out unless it's a special occasion (Frugal reasoning: a $15.00 dinner plate of steak and baked potato etc ONE time is a waste. At the supermarket, you can buy steaks, a bag of potatoes, 2 ltr bottle of soda, a loaf of bread, veggies AND desert (which can feed a family of FOUR or five) Should you do so (eat out, that is... order a water with lemon, wring it in the water, add sugar and voila.. free lemonade!)

2. Reason your purchase more than once (Frugal Reasoning: chances are you're impulse shopping by the time you finish getting all the items you NEED. Shopping for necessities can be soo boring and suddenly the 3.00 crimson red hairclip reminds you of this fabulous outfit you saw three aisles away... voila! You've fallen into the department store trap! So ask yourself over and over.. is this a good thing.. do i need it? and if your answer is yes more than three times, go for it.

3. Don't accumulate... CAPITULATE! Let's be brutally honest here.. those hot pink pumps in your closet just don't have that appeal when you wear them anymore. Hubby or sgnificant other breathing down your neck to get rid of it? Sell em (and don't tell em! Ebay's got a home for it.. and chances are some trendy chic chick is going to unload them off you. Aside from ebay's fees the money and extra shipping charge falls into your merciful hands.. VOILA! More space for shoes!! NOO!! I mean I have more space in my closet.. sorry DH LOL (besides.. I always like greenbacks in my hand, don't you?)

Ok y'all get my drift... time for me to plug in the crock pot...

(aka le Frugel-petitte extraordinaire) ------

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Hidden Money (where oh where art thou?)

February 10th, 2005 at 05:37 pm

Driving home from school the other day I had a sort of epiphany. All these articles on saving money and being frugal point towards one obvious goal- eliminate what you don't need and utilize what is necessary until you just can't do it anymore. So when I got home, I ventured into the basement. You know, the BASEMENT.
Hubby and I haven't been married too long and when we moved here in 2000, we set up the basement as our "memory lane". We both had lives before marriage and somehow the items tucked away in the basement have remained timeless- seemingly unaffected by war/overseas deployments, childbirth, holidays and passionate discussions. I've got tons of junk downstairs that are just waiting to be placed on Ebay... so where to begin?

I've taken every single type of class under the sun in hopes of obtaining a degree aside from my associates. While I've loved painting, Jazz History and Contemporary Literature- the textbooks are a mint in itself. They cost an arm and a leg.. the bookstore on campus makes a killing on our severely limited undergraduate budgets... and so I did it! I placed four experimental textbooks and have sold one so far... yipppeeeee
welcome 39.00 + shipping (So it's considerably less than what I paid for the book but hey... better 39 buckeroos than 0.00!)

I must confess, I've read someone's journal on here and I love the idea of setting a no spending goal... so here's mine...

Starting Today:
1/7 days No Spending (even if I have to walk to school, I'll just wear warmer shoes!)

Barb (aka the peculiar chick eyeing the college wastebaskets for recyclable soda cans... every lil' bit helps!) ------

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New Commitment!

February 8th, 2005 at 05:06 pm

I've always been the type of procrastinator who loves to set goals then watch them slip away due to some unforseen distraction or quite simply, lack of "umph". New years, birthdays and various other calendar days have come and gone yet my habits would persist.... until last month! (wow i feel like an infomercial lol)


I was watching tv sometime in early January and saw one of those anti-smoking commercials that really touched me. I discarded my half-empty pack of Marlboro Lights and have not looked back thus far. The reason I say "thus far" is because quitting a habit is never a permanent thing in my opinion. Alcoholics who follow a twelve step program acknowledge this day to day phenomenon and are quite comfortable admitting that their method to kicking habits was not by flicking a simple "on/off" switch. I have quit smoking dozens of times since my early teens.. so instead I say "no more for me thanks. Not today".

::Big Grinrumroll:::What does this have to do with saving money?

Thanks to the insightful posts I read here and in other frugal spots on the net, I have decided to put the money I'd use to buy cigarettes in a girlish little box my seven year old decorated for me (celebrating my choice to give up smoking) along with another expensive habit (which compared to smoking is not quite as costly as I had once thought)- salon manicures. I would have my nails done three times a month at twenty dollars a piece.

::::drumroll:::: Grand total of savings thus far?
(That's a whole lot of chump change! Too big to find on the floor in one spot in Downtown Manhattan, too bulky to find in a jean pocket or dirty pair of BDU's, and too savory to put into a bank account just yet!)
Two weeks of smoking (NYC $7.00) X 4 packs a day= $56.00
Three manicure sessions $60.00

I hope to stay off the 'sticks and keep my nails short and soft for a while.. let's see just how much this army wife can actually save.... (a bientot high maintenance.. hello frugal living!)



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